tl;dr: We onboarded some stores, some things were broken. Quick April update. Live suppliers: 3 Live dropshippers: 0 Revenue: $0 What went wrong last month? Issues with real users in production were both exciting and demoralising. A user goes down the wrong path and causes a condition without an error handler, and that’s it – […]
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Software engineering in the future
Just a short article. I’m interested in how software engineering is converging into niches. It’s interesting to think about where to position oneself. Just as everyone “learns to code”, as is touted so often, are we going to have an order of magnitude less coding that needs to be done? Big Co’s: AWS. DevOps. API as […]
Fix CORS errors on local node server
When hacking together a quick throwaway node server, it’s easy to get caught going around in circles with Cross Origin Resource Sharing and Access Control Allow Origin. Here’s a quick and easy way to disable this so you can keep moving. I’m using node’s http package via http.createServer.
Build a reverse image proxy in 10 lines of PHP/Laravel
First up, there’s better ways to do this. Maybe you should use nginx, and keep this out of PHP altogether. Maybe you should pull down people’s images, host them locally, and then serve them up yourself. This isn’t about the best way. For me, tonight, this 10 liner that doesn’t mess with my nginx config […]
Articles I need to write
This post isn’t for you, it’s for me. How To: Setting up a gitlab CI pipeline for React Native How To: Setting up a gitlab CI pipeline for Laravel How To: Screenshot testing in React Native I built (and sold) a payment gateway
Side Project Progress
First Store.. 1 day away? Our side project, Elvenda, is a B2B dropshipping platform. You sign up as a supplier and receive orders, or sign up as a dropshipper and get a ton of new products. It’s pretty cool. It’s a totally different take on a model that’s been done before, so we’re interested to […]
Tech that lasts 40 years
I watched some Microconf videos last night on I’m not sure if it’s strictly ‘legit’ or if this guy is just putting a camcorder on the seat and videoing Microconf. I’d badly like to go one year, and it’s always been something I want to reward myself with when I get a SaaS to the […]
ag: Fast searching source code
From the “I’m shit at command line” category brew install ag Ignore files that are autogenerated. Also honours .gitignore! cat ‘android.bundle.js’ > .ignore ag MY_SEARCH_TERM Profit! Nice, fast, clickable results in vscode.
add zipalign to path on OSX
First, find zipalign. find ~/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools -name “zipalign” Copy the most recent build tools version, e.g. /Users/me/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/28.0.2/zipalign Add it to /etc/paths. nano /etc/paths (Paste the zipalign path) Save and exit ctrl+o, ctrl+x Close the command window.
Talking to customers / cheapening the brand
I’m working on a side project with a friend (/my brother in law) that connects suppliers and brands to dropshippers. It’s a business model that’s been done before – we’re just taking an existing model and fine tuning it, maybe making it more Australian. It’s called Elvenda. We’ve got a functioning beta at I’m […]